Chris Mora Signature Kemper Bundle Vol. 2
Inside this months ToneCrate we are bringing back the one and only Producer Chris Mora (Ill Nino, Sons of Texas, Upon a Burning Body) for Vol. 2 of his Signature Kemper Bundle.
Chris hand crafted this Kemper bundle inside his brand new studio using some unique cabs also doing some cool microphone summing to create some slamming and equally unique tones that'll work for a variety of applications.
What You're Getting Inside This Pack:
- 14 Kemper profiles sculpted by Chris Mora featuring the EVH 5153, Marshall JCM 900 and Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier pushed through a couple of awesome cabs for a variety of tone flavors!
- High Gain, Mid Gain, Clean and FX profiles - Variety of cool overdrives for different types of gain
- Profiles that will work perfectly inside your mix or live!